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Phobia Help With Hypnotherapy

Phobia Help With Hypnotherapy

Don’t let your ‘fear’ or ‘phobia’ run your life…. take control now and see how Hypnosis and NLP can make that all important change in your life.

Phobia Help With Hypnotherapy | ExpertHypnosis.co.ukMost ‘fears’ or ‘phobias’ come from a bad experience at a young age, usually in early childhood. The negative or even traumatic experience lodges in the unconscious mind creating a response which stays with you for the rest of your life. This becomes a permanent program of behaviour.

This trapped traumatic memory has to be turned into, and saved as, an ordinary unemotional memory of a past event. The emotional tag, the terror response, needs to be unstuck from that object or situation.

Basically, the mind just needs to be re-programmed. It sounds simple to something you have struggled with for a long time, but it can be dealt with even in one session!

Using Hypnosis and NLP, this is achievable, making this bad experience a thing of the past. Usually, this is treated in two different ways.

For a Fear or mild Phobia, one session is recommended.

This session would incorporate the NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) ‘Fast Phobia Cure’, which has outstanding results. Reinforced by positive suggestion under Hypnosis, this is a powerful combination therapy.

For a more serious Phobia, two sessions is recommended.

After a hypnotherapy session, your rational mind can do its work in turning the memory into an ordinary, neutral, non-threatening one once the subconscious mind knows this form of behaviour is not beneficial for you . It will store it as factual memory where it should have been to start with, this happens very quickly as the mind learns fast. It learned the fear response quickly and it learns the neutral response just as quickly.

For more about myself as a Hypnotherapist, click Kris Anthony . 

Phobia Help With Hypnotherapy.

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