Northwood Hypnotherapist
Kris Anthony DCH, SQHP
Northwood clinic or I come to you in the South of England
As a Northwood Hypnotherapist, I aim to see all clients as little as possible as I want them rid of their issue asap.
If you cannot make it to the Northwood HA6 clinic, I can come to you in London and all surrounding areas, even anywhere in South of England, at your place of work or residential address. Further areas can be accommodated, please contact me for rates and availability.
For a telephone consultation, call 07786 460350 or email me
My extensive Hypnotherapy training has covered all areas of Hypnosis, including the DCH Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy* (2006) with 20 years demonstrating & teaching Hypnosis in other forms.

One of only a few Hypnotists that can genuinely claim they have Hypnotised thousands in the UK and across Europe with a vast experience both clinically, teaching and on stage. Yes, you will be hypnotised as opposed to someone just talking to you with your eyes closed.
I make a promise to you. As a client, I will use all of my knowledge to rid you of your issue in the quickest time possible and I will not prolong the amount of sessions for monetary gain.
After we agree a realistic therapeutic outcome, in the first session, I will not hold anything back and will use every tool and hypnotic method I can with you which for many clients is enough to move on away from the old form of behavior. I will then, if needed, ‘mop up’ anything that is left lingering after the initial session in just one further appointment.
As much as nothing can be guaranteed with hypnotherapy and all other therapies available, one guarantee is that you will be hypnotised and you will be in a state where positive change can be achieved.
For more about my experience as a hypnotherapist, click here > Kris Anthony
Phobia's, fears, habits and addictions eliminated quickly Supercharge confidence, enhance sports performance
“Just to let you know it’s been a week since I saw you and I haven’t had a cigarette, I’m motivated and more positive than ever before. Thanks”
“Amazingly, I was asked to chair the meeting for two hours and surprisingly I was able to deliver and stay focused during the whole session. I was satisfied with myself and I’ve valued this positive experience”
Hypnotherapist in Northwood, For further help, please call me on 07786 460350 (9am – 9pm) or email
Northwood Hypnotherapist – Phobia’s & Fears
Most ‘fears’ or ‘phobias’ come from a bad experience at a young age, usually in early childhood. The negative or even traumatic experience lodges in the un-conscious mind creating a response which stays with you for the rest of your life. This becomes a permanent program of behaviour.
This trapped traumatic memory has to be turned into, and saved as, an ordinary unemotional memory of a past event. The emotional tag, the terror response, needs to be unstuck from that object or situation.
Basically, the mind just needs to be re-programmed. It sounds simple to something you have struggled with for a long time, but it can be dealt with even in one session!
Northwood Hypnotherapist – Flying
In this day and age, the fear of flying is very widespread. Perhaps as many as 1 in 5 people are suffering to some extent, from those who have never flown to those who used to fly confidently until they developed ‘somehow’ their ‘fear’.
The fear of flying is simply a learned response. At some point, you simply got very scared about flying. Maybe there was a lot of turbulence during a flight, maybe the plane spent ages flying in a holding pattern above an airport waiting for permission to land and you began to wonder how much fuel was left; perhaps you saw pictures of an airline crash on television, or in a newspaper. Many people don’t even remember how the flying phobia started.
Most commonly people simply imagine something disastrous is going to happen to the plane while taking off, flying or landing. Sometimes people have fear of confined spaces (claustrophobia) as well which just adds to the fear of flying. Often, and this is very common, it is just the fact that they are not ‘in control’ of the situation.
Many will have sleepless nights thinking way ahead of the impending flight, and days before can be out of control. Any or all of the symptoms of high anxiety may be experienced, such as sweating, tightness of chest, hyperventilation, dizziness, nausea etc. Fear of the fear is common, being scared because you are imagining being scared.
What people describe as their ‘fear of flying’, or ‘phobia of flying’ will vary greatly, so the techniques I use to help you will match your particular situation. Essentially, I will use a combination of Hypnosis and NLP, the techniques I have found to be the fastest, easiest and most effective.
Northwood Hypnotherapist – Addictions
You don’t have to be weak minded to have addictions, it can slowly creep up on the strongest of people without them knowing. Before you know it, addictions is spiraling out of control, becoming something you can’t do without.
This pattern can be broken using proven techniques under Hypnosis and combining NLP. Listed below are four examples with the processes used applicable to many other addictions.
Don’t forget, you can get addicted to anything !!
Here are some common examples…
There are many methods of getting you to stop smoking cannabis.
By utilising a combination of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Hypnosis, the urge to take the drug is addressed directly, as is the fear of what life will be like without it.
Taking cannabis can develop into a habit that spans decades. Some people I have helped so far have allowed it to become a way of life, increasing their intake over the years as their body’s ‘resistance’ to the drug had built up.
As with all drug related work there is no 100% guarantee of success due the high level of physical withdrawal, though NLP and Hypnosis combined offer a powerful combination to give your conscious and unconscious mind the tools to make the change take place.
This may sound obvious but the first thing is that you really must want to stop. There is a big difference between wanting to stop and ‘really’ wanting to stop, with the nature of this addiction the latter must be the case. Presumably, if you are reading this section it is because you want to end the addiction, you hopefully have reached the point where you have said to yourself ‘enough is enough’.
Combining the approaches of Hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming I aim to recondition the automated patterns of thinking, feeling and behaviour that have resulted in the addiction to use cocaine. My approach is to tackle and change the pattern of thinking directly because, however the behaviour began, it has become simply a habit. You maybe using large quantities but even if this is the case, it has to be treated as just a habit, no more, no less.
NLP and Hypnosis combined offer a powerful combination to give your conscious and unconscious mind the tools to make the change take place.
It surprises people how quickly they can put and end to this habit, sometimes in one session, more often in-between two to three.
Learn the real truth about the habit – Smoking is easier to give up than you thought.
After extensive research and training I can offer the correct therapy to help you achieve your goal, leaving behind this life threatening, expensive habit.
* Please note, I am not a General Practitioner or Medical Doctor. The American Institute of Hypnotherapy (AIH) Doctorate was approved by the California Bureau for private post-secondary & vocational education. Therefore, the degree is ‘approved’ and not ‘accredited’ and is (as of the time of writing) the 2nd most in-depth qualification worldwide in Clinical Hypnotherapy. There are practitioners in the UK, Australia, worldwide (especially America) that use the title ‘Dr.’ with this qualification. I do not use this title. The DCH from the AIH which I hold is not to be confused with other Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy qualifications offered on the internet.